Crash Courses

Arabic Crash Course is a unique and fun way to learn Arabic in Dubai

Crash Courses

Arabic Crash Course in Dubai - Reading and Writing

Arabic Crash Course Dubai - Reading and Writing

The main focus of this course is on deciphering the Arabic script by learning how to read and write the letters. Students will learn how to write their names and read signage surrounding them in Dubai. 25% of the course aims for learners to immediately express themselves in Arabic using the communicative approach and blended learning.

At the end of the course you will be able to

  • Recognize all the letters of the alphabet (shape and sound).
  • Distinguish between short and long vowels.
  • Recognize and apply semi-connectors rule when writing the script.
  • Read simple words and accurately interpret their meaning.
  • Accurately write simple words in Arabic.
  • Introduce yourself and others and be able to ask and answer basic questions about personal details such as name, where people live, and telephone number.
  • Recognizing Arabic numerals and numbers.
  • Recognize 14 symbols and explain their function.
  • Differentiate between sun and moon letters and apply the pronunciation rule accurately.
  • Conjugate verbs in the present tense with three pronouns.

Course outline

Flexible upon the needs analysis of learners

Course hours

20 hours divided into two parts

Course duration

From 5-10 weeks
Generally the course is offered once a week for two hours

Arabic Crash Course in Dubai - Speaking

Arabic Crash Course Dubai - Speaking

The course is designed for expatriates who wish to speak Arabic in their daily life encounters. You will be able to communicate in Arabic from the first hour of instruction. Themes are inspired from real life situations. Role plays and listening exercises, in which the learners’ speaking practices are recorded and evaluated by self-reflection and peer-assessment in every session, reflect the ongoing progress in accuracy and fluency.

At the end of the course you will be able to

  • Understand and use familiar everyday expressions such as greetings, pleasantries and their replies.
  • Introduce yourself and others.
  • Ask and answer basic questions about personal details such as name, age, marital status, where they come from, where people live, and telephone number.
  • Talk about your family and describe your family members.
  • Understand simple messages involving numbers, time, days, dates and schedules.
  • Communicate when taking a taxi and giving directions.
  • Communicate when going to the Souq, asking about prices, and bargaining.
  • Order food and drinks in restaurants and cafes.
  • Learn vocabulary related to the previous themes, possessive structures, and sentence structures.

Course outline

Flexible upon the needs analysis of learners

Course hours

20 hours divided into two parts

Course duration

From 5-10 weeks
Generally the course is offered once a week for two hours